Home Adoption Form
Please read the Pre Adoption Considerations before applying (see menu bar on left)
Important Note's:
To start the adoption process we will require photos to be submitted with your form showing your current bird’s cage, play areas or aviary setup and areas of your home that your bird will be allowed to explore.
If you do not currently have a bird please send us photos of where in your home you will have your new bird/s cage/aviary/play gym setup and areas of your home that your bird will be allowed to explore.
We DO NOT process your form until we receive your photos. More details about photos are provided on the form below.
Once photos are received the adoption process can take up to 5 business days to complete. This service is run Part-Time, emails and forms are checked and processed between 1pm to 3pm AEST Tuesday to Thursday only. The PRC Adoption service is closed during other times.
If you selected 'upload now', please use the fields below:
Provide photos that clearly show the full set up of the inside of your current birds cage, play areas, aviary, as well as an overall photo showing the size of the cage/aviary. Also photos of areas of your home that your bird will be allowed to explore.
If you do not currently have a bird please send us photos of where in your home you will have your new birds cage/aviary/play gym setup and areas of your home that your new bird will be allowed to explore.
If you have selected to send your photos later, please send to them to the email: adoption@parrotrescuecentre.com
When you email your photos please reduce the image sizes to below 300KB. Most photos you take will be in MB size and these photo sizes are very large, so we appreciate your help by reducing the photo sizes for us.
Your Application will be carefully reviewed once we receive your photos and a PRC Representative will be in contact with you within 5 business days (1pm to 3pm Tuesday to Thursday only) once these photos have been received. Please note that during some busy periods the time frame maybe longer.
This service is run part-time and by volunteers, so we appreciate your patience.
Please tick the captcha verification below:
Thank you for submitting this Adoption form, we'll be in touch shortly.