Adoption Agreement
Once you have completed the adoption process and have been approved to adopt a bird that we currently have available, we will send you an adoption agreement via email to print, fill out and sign and then return to us before you adopt the bird.
Here is the list of the terms and conditions on the agreement that you must abide by to adopt a bird from us.
I agree that I have read and understand the Guidelines for a Happy Healthy Parrot Click here
I have received an application for a “Permit to keep” for the life of this animal and understand it must be lodged with my local Queensland parks and wildlife service within a 14 day period of receiving the bird. (Birds that require a license only such as Black Cockatoos etc)
I understand that a parrot can live over 50 years in captivity.
I am willing to research additional information to enrich the bird/s life in captivity.
I will not attempt to release this bird to the wild.
I understand that this bird will require fresh food, water & interaction daily
I understand that this bird is NOT able to be bred from.
I understand this animal can not be used for display or for entertainment purposes, unless given special permission from the PRC.
I will under no circumstances ever sell or give this bird to any third party, nor shall I allow this (these) bird(s) to become breeders. Should any of the above occur I agree to pay the Parrot Rescue Centre $5000.00 (per bird) in compensation. These requirements shall remain in effect for the life of the adopted bird(s).
Should this bird die in my care I will provide the Parrot Rescue Centre with autopsy results.
Should the bird(s) be stolen I will provide a copy of the police report within 48 hours to the Parrot Rescue Centre.
I agree to allow a Parrot Rescue Centre Representative to visit my home by appointment to check on the adopted bird or birds.
By signing this Parrot Adoption Agreement, the Parrot Rescue Centre transfers ownership of the bird described above to the Adoptee. In addition you agree to all the terms of this Agreement.
There will be a one year probation period during which, should improper care be given to the adopted bird, forfeiture of the bird will occur. Any misrepresentation or false statements will also be grounds for forfeiture.
Improper care will be considered any of the following:
Any diet which does not include fresh foods on a daily basis.
Any diet which consists of a poor quality seed mix (made up of predominantly sunflower/peanuts)
Any diet which contains dangerous or unhealthy items, i.e. avocado, sweets (donuts, chocolate, candy).
Neglect. The adopted bird should receive many hours of time outside of his/her cage. Birds left in cages for long periods of time (more than 12 hours a day, exclusive of night time caging) shall be considered to be neglected, unless kept in a large aviary with other parrots.
Lack of medical attention. Medical attention should be sought for any adopted bird with an avian specialist veterinarian as soon as any unusual behavior is noticed.
Unsanitary conditions.
By taking ownership of this bird you agree to feed it the specific appropriate diet in which this particular species requires.
You agree, without additional consideration, to sign, acknowledge, and deliver any other documents and take any other action necessary or appropriate and reasonably requested by the Parrot Rescue Centre to carry out the intent and purposes of this Agreement.
Australian Law will govern this Agreement and you agree that any litigation arising under this Agreement will be brought in a court having jurisdiction within Australia. In any dispute, the prevailing party shall recover reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
I, ___________________________ also herby state that I wish that ________________________ (bird’s name) will be returned to the Parrot Rescue Centre upon my death or my inability to care for the bird, for the re-placement as they see fit.
Parrots available via the PRC adoption service are not `give-away' or `free' birds. We ask that you consider a contribution to the PRC to help continue our services and programs. The adoption fee will vary from $60 to $200, we will confirm the fee amount during the adoption process. This needs to be paid per bird, unless otherwise stated.
I have read and understand the above agreement. I certify that the information provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I also acknowledge that this is a legal and binding contract.
"This form is a sample only, please DO NOT print and fill out this agreement. The official agreement will be emailed to you"